
Marc by Marc Jacobsの財布。




* Drifting into a Law and Order Society, (Cobden Trust, 1980).
* The Hard Road to Renewal: Thatcherism and the Crisis of the Left, (Verso, 1988).
* Ideologie, Identitat, Reprasentation, (Argument, 2004)
* The Popular Arts, with Paddy Whannel, (Hutchinson, 1964).
* Different: A Historical Context, with Mark Sealy, (Phaidon, 2001).
* Resistance through Rituals: Youth Subcultures in Post-war Britain, co-edited with Tony Jefferson, (HarperCollins Academic, 1976).
* The Politics of Thatcherism, co-edited with Martin Jaques, (Lawrence and Wishart, 1983).
* State and Society in Contemporary Britain: A Critical Introduction, co-edited with Gregor McLennan and David Held, (Polity Press, 1984).
* Politics and Ideology: A Reader, co-edited with James Donald, (Open University Press, 1986).
* New Times: the Changing Face of Politics in the 1990s, co-edited with Martin Jacques, (Lawrence & Wishart, 1989).
* Formations of Modernity, co-edited with Bram Gieben, (Polity Press, 1992).
* Modernity and its Futures, co-edited with David Held and Tony McGrew, (Polity Press, 1992).
* Questions of Cultural Identity, co-edited with Paul Du Gay, (Sage, 1996).(柿沼敏江・佐復秀樹・林完枝・松畑強訳『カルチュラル・アイデンティティの諸問題――誰がアイデンティティを必要とするのか?』大村書店, 2001年)
* Visual Culture: the Reader, co-edited with Jessica Evans, (Sage, 1999).